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Weekly Planners

At Sunshine Play Care we realize that young children thrive on routine. Having a consistent daycare routine will assist in the day being smoother with the children feeling safe and secure. Young children have little control over how their days are run…they have very little choice as to where their days are going to be spent. So by providing a child with a structured sequence of events that is fun, organized, educational and in which they have an opportunity to choose what type of activity they have at specific times of the day; then they will enjoy their time at daycare much more.

Children struggle with the transition between activities however with a structured routine this will eliminate chaos and help the young child adjust to transitions much easier.

Due to having a variety of families registered with the daycare there will be children who are hungry and tired at different times of the day. The more their needs are met the easier the day becomes for the caregiver. A routine that strikes a balance for all the children who are arriving at different time frames will make the transition much smoother.

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